With more and more of your favourite TV programming going “online” the whole TV experience is changing the way we need to think about receiving the signal! Traditionally Television was linear. This means you turned to a channel and you watched what was there. If you wanted to watch something else, you changed channel. This was then supplemented with the …

Wireless charging, the what and how..?

The basic principles of wireless charging have been around many years, Nikola Tesla demonstrated magnetic resonant coupling, i.e. the ability to transmit energy/electricity through the air by creating a magnetic field between two coils. The principals have been used in transformers, and also already in electric toothbrush chargers, where the toothbrush has no physical wire connected for many years. In …

Is your TV watching what you are watching?

Televisions have long grown beyond being a passive box showing what may be floating in the airwaves around your ears, into a fully fletched computer, capable of interactive control, not only reproducing video to be looked at, but collecting data to make your viewing experience even greater and serve advertisement that you may prefer. But beyond that, the data collected …

Understanding IP CCTV Cameras

When choosing a CCTV system to monitor the security of your vessel, there are a few things to account for. Here I will discuss some of the common questions regarding Network IP Cameras and NVRs (Network Video Recorders). Analog Cameras & DVRs To begin with I would like to differentiate between analog and IP cameras. This refers to the connection …

Football World Cup Broadcast behind the broadcaster

Ever wondered what happens even before the Broadcaster gets a hold of the TV signal to put on your Television? What happens between the camera and your television? Every four years the FIFA World Cup showcases the skill and talent of the world’s best players, but it is more than just a football tournament: It is the aspiration of FIFA …

To WIFI or not to WIFI

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HELP! Where is my internet!!

If trouble has hit, and the internet has stopped working or the connectivity has ground to snails-pace, just as your guest tries to access his email, or stream his favourite song… the alarm is rung in so many ways, and the rush to solve the mystery hampers all normal activity. In this article I’ll run you through some of the …

Is corrosion eating your pipes?

Most people are familiar with corrosion due to the visual aspect that it leaves behind. With superficial corrosion on the exposed superstructure leaving stains or bubbling of the paint, and the degradation of installed sacrificial anodes. The invisible danger though lies in the corrosion when it is not directly spotted and causes unexpected damage resulting in more unforeseen expenses during …

Preventative diagnosis

Technology moves at such a high pace these days, that interactions between systems is ever more difficult to predict and the resulting effects on performance or worse the potential for failure is harder to identify. It is undeniable that business need to stay at the leading edge with innovation and need to adapt to the changing needs of our society, …

Digital Video on High Seas

It’s 4am in the morning, 1st of September 1995, and I’m on board a converted fishing trawler, the S/V Rainbow Warrior acquired by Greenpeace after the original Rainbow Warrior was sunk in Auckland harbour, 10 years ago. I hadn’t slept in 24 hours, and I knew the coming day wasn’t going to be a short one either. I had only …