
Cyber security is a big word which also is somewhat lost in translation. As far as security goes, what are you actually wanting to protect? Generically there are two boxes that are covered when talking about protection from online or digital threats. There is the protection that you do to ensure your data durability, in case of damaged hardware or …

What do you really want?

The AV industry is moving fast with new feature rich contraptions appearing every day. That coupled with the fact that everything seems to be connected via IP/Ethernet now. It isn’t surprising that in this world of technology there seems to be an amplitude of equipment to meet your wildest expectations. Full home cinemas; party size sound systems; invisible speakers; and …

Hype about sound!

Like every experience you have, every experience is personal, and every experience can have a WOW factor, or is just pleasant. Audio is no different, and when you sit down to watch that favourite movie, but you need to use the remote to raise or lower the volume because the action noise gets too loud, but when they talk its …

Dirty Dirty Electronics!

Quietly running in the corner, inside the cabinet or in a specific rack, electronic components require a continuous airflow to keep cool. Funny that though overtime that very airflow brings something that is the death of any integrated circuit. A fine layer of dust! Vents that are clogged with fluff, hair, a slightly greasy, sticky layer of residue from the …


Hardly any machinery or entertainment system and least of all navigation system now runs without sensitive electronic processing equipment. Aside from your IT equipment, everything now seems to have a computer or some sort of processor inside. And with the “Internet of Things” pushing its way into every aspect of connectivity and monitoring, be it for convenience, AI (Artificial Intelligence) …

Washing basket of acronyms

In the world of IT (Information Technology) the number of acronyms seems to grow by the day. Although many say they are there to make life easier when talking about them, for the ones living outside the IT world they simply become a set of letters to be confused with others.  Here are a few of them that you will …


With more and more of your favourite TV programming going “online” the whole TV experience is changing the way we need to think about receiving the signal! Traditionally Television was linear. This means you turned to a channel and you watched what was there. If you wanted to watch something else, you changed channel. This was then supplemented with the …

Wireless charging, the what and how..?

The basic principles of wireless charging have been around many years, Nikola Tesla demonstrated magnetic resonant coupling, i.e. the ability to transmit energy/electricity through the air by creating a magnetic field between two coils. The principals have been used in transformers, and also already in electric toothbrush chargers, where the toothbrush has no physical wire connected for many years. In …

Is your TV watching what you are watching?

Televisions have long grown beyond being a passive box showing what may be floating in the airwaves around your ears, into a fully fletched computer, capable of interactive control, not only reproducing video to be looked at, but collecting data to make your viewing experience even greater and serve advertisement that you may prefer. But beyond that, the data collected …

Understanding IP CCTV Cameras

When choosing a CCTV system to monitor the security of your vessel, there are a few things to account for. Here I will discuss some of the common questions regarding Network IP Cameras and NVRs (Network Video Recorders). Analog Cameras & DVRs To begin with I would like to differentiate between analog and IP cameras. This refers to the connection …